Emeritus Professor
Rabindra Bharati University
Dr. Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya, obtained his M. Sc., & Ph.D. degree from the department of Pure Mathematics, University of Calcutta. He is a Fellow of International Academy of Physical Sciences. His teaching experience is 52 years. He started teaching in different Govt. colleges including Presidency College, Calcutta, from 1966 and joined the department of Pure mathematics, Calcutta University in the year 1980. He retired from the department as Prof. & Head in the year 2008. He acted as AICTE Emeritus professor in school of Bioscience & Engineering in Jadavpur University from 2009-2011 and as UGC Emeritus professor in the department of Instrumental Music, Rabindra Bharati University from 2011-2013. He acted as Guest professor (2005-2008) in Biostatistics and Biomathematics - School of Bioscience and Engineering – Jadavpur University; Guest professor (2008) in Bio-informatics – DOEACC Center, (an autonomous Society under Ministry of Communications and Information technology, Govt. of India) at Jadavpur University ; Guest professor (2008-2013) in Mathematics - Department of Mathematics, Rabindra Bharati University; Guest professor (2013 -2015) in Bioinformatics- Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata. He is continuing as guest professor in Post-graduate departments of different colleges. His U.G.C. Project was ‘Analytical study on role of music in psychosomatic stress management’.
Research Interest
His areas of Research are : (i) Functional Analysis - Banach algebra, extension and allied problems. (ii) Complex Analysis- Space of entire Dirichlet Series (iii) Differential Geometry- Abstraction of Differentiable manifold. (iv)Differential Equation-Mathematical modeling and Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equation and its applications in Biology and medicine. (v) Nonlinear Optimization (vi)Vector optimization of functions in abstract spaces (vii)Control theoretic optimization of functionals and their vector generalization (a)Optimal control of single objective, multi-objective and fractional objective control problems with restrictions in the parameter domain (with or without delay) with applications in Biology [including Fishery Biology, Marine Biology, Integrated Pest management problem under release of Sterile Insect and immigration from outside the control area, bacterial and viral infections; vertical and horizontal transmission of diseases, atmospheric pollution and in Inventory control problem]. (b)Optimal control of single objective, multi-objective and fractional objective control problems with restrictions in the parameter domain as well as in the state space and their applications in realistic problems, including the state space as a manifold with boundary